People with obesity are blatantly dehumanised and descriminated against
A new report indicates that people with obesity are blatantly dehumanised and discriminated against, with claims that they are less evolved and less human.
View ArticleOverweight teen boys may face higher heart disease risk as adults
A study claims that men who had a BMI of 35 and over in their teen years were eight times more likely to develop heart disease than those who were lean in their teens.
View ArticleTeasing kids about weight linked to more weight gain
Findings show that kids who were teased gained an average of almost a half a pound per year compared to kids who weren't teased.
View ArticleHow obesity boosts childhood asthma risk by 30%
A large percentage of paediatric asthma case could be avoided if childhood obesity was taken out of the equation.
View ArticleOverweight kids are at risk for high blood pressure
A new study found that children who were obese had nearly triple the risk of developing high blood pressure between ages of four and six compared to kids with a healthy weight.
View ArticleWill video games make your kid obese? Maybe not, according to the latest...
A new study claims that kids who spend a lot of time playing video games aren't any heavier than those who don't.
View ArticleCould heavier people be at lower risk for ALS?
A study found that over several decades, people who packed on the most weight had a much lower risk of ALS compared to those who maintained their figure or got thinner.
View ArticleHow your smartphone could make you fat?
Researchers have discovered that people who use their smartphone for lengthy periods throughout the day are more likely to pick up weight because of their sedentary behaviour.
View ArticleCould obesity accelerate the brain's ageing process?
We know obesity is harmful in many ways, but did you know it could cause premature decline in the brain's functionality?
View ArticleHow do you help when your child's battling with a weight problem?
Excess weight puts children at risk of a myriad of health problems, but guidelines have been set out for parents wanting to help their children through lifestyle changes.
View ArticleBigger waistlines a threat to women's health, even without obesity
A new study found that a large waist size significantly increased the risk of an early death for women over 49, even when their BMI was normal.
View ArticleWhat TV binge-watching does to your brain
If you indulge often, the cycle and the side effects of binge-watching TV shows can lead to harmful brain and body changes, an expert says.
View ArticleObesity may boost odds for MS in kids
A large new study has linked link obesity and MS in children – and suggests it might affect their treatment response.
View ArticleDiabetes and obesity on the rise in young adults, with no improvement in...
Researchers have seen a reversal in heart disease in young adults, especially women, but obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are on the rise.
View ArticleWhy obese teen boys could be prone to heart attacks in middle age
If obesity in teen boys continue to escalate, they could find themselves suffering from heart attacks before they're old enough to take early retirement.
View ArticleHow later bedtimes could mean wider waistlines for teen girls
Research reveals that teen girls, who want to be night owls, but need to be early birds, are at higher risk of gaining weight around their waist.
View ArticleScientists discover new way fat harms your arteries
Obesity promotes conditions that can lead to heart problems – such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnoea.
View ArticleOverweight dog, overweight owner?
Based on the findings of researchers, it seems that the way owners give their dogs treats is related to the owner's own weight.
View ArticleKids + gadgets = less sleep and more risk for unwanted weight
Not getting enough sleep leads to kids developing cravings for sugary or starchy foods, eating to get the energy to stay awake – and gaining unwanted weight.
View ArticleHow childhood risk factors can predict adult obesity
In a study, those who were severely obese as children had the highest risk of severe obesity as adults.
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